Monday, October 03, 2011

I missed my stop on the subway this morning. I was dozing off into daydreaming land and looked out the window as we started going, leaving my stop behind. I just laughed. It's Monday.

I walked the extra 5 minutes to work and was a frazzled frizzy mess by the time I got here. How do these women keep themselves looking perfect during the commute? I fail miserably.

I also need a new purse. I've needed a new purse for awhile.  It's starting to fall apart.  My trusty purse has been on countless adventures though, to Europe and back, Puerto Rico and back, potentially even China?  I can't remember.

Here are some choices, I'm hitting the buy button on one of them.




That mustard color is really calling my name and the price-tag is budget friendly.  Hmm...


  1. Holy shit, I love that mustard one! You gotta get the mustard one!

  2. Oooh, the mustard one caught my eye too. And the last one is cute with the bow. I think you need both.

  3. I love the third one down! But they are all gorgeous. I need a new purse too. #notgonnahappen. Also, I'm tired so I'm hashtagging a comment. WHHHHHHHHAT OF IT lol ;)
