Tuesday, August 02, 2005

For Mom

Have you ever gotten a phone call that changed your life? I have about two months ago.

That Saturday morning my Mom was scheduled to have heart surgery. This is nothing new considering she has a rare heart problem. HostMom and I were going out to lunch to discuss the kids' report cards. We pull into the parking lot and I get a phone call from my sister. She told me that Mom was not doing well, her kidneys and liver were failing and they didn't know what else was wrong. My Mom and I haven't had the best relationship but the past couple of months have been great.

What if she died?

I wasn't ready for that. I didn't get to tell her all the things I wanted to. I didn't get to tell her I loved her. What would I do without her?

After I hung up with my sister, hostmom and I went and ate lunch. I didn't really give a shit what the kids' report cards looked like at that point, but I guess she did.

My sister called about an hour later and said that Mom was doing better but she was going to stay in ICU. Now, a couple of months later, shes doing fine. I'm going to see my Mom at the end of this month. I have sooo much to tell her but I especially want to tell her that I love her.


  1. glad to hear that your mother is all right, i would hate to loose my mother which will ventually happen no doubt.

    new reader to your site and will be back to read more.

    check out my blog about me and my partners pregnancy



  2. Hey, all mothers and daughters have that kind of love-hate relationship. Hope it all work out well between you and your mum. Being a mother made me realise that the only way to let the other person know how you feel is to talk it out. Having said that I hope my girls will talk to me when they are 18 like as if they are 3. :)
    Feel free to drop by my blog,
