It was taken over Memorial Day weekend of this year. I had flown into Seattle to see my sister and two nieces and then we drove to Salem, OR to see my Mom. The trip was fast, and I wished I could've stayed longer...but I have a job.
On the last day I was there we went over to my Aunts house to have a "graduation" party for me. My niece, Kadence, was playing on this gardening step and fell smack down into the concrete. It was horrible to watch, her little nose was all scraped up and she was screaming like I've never heard a kid scream before. We left shortly there after.
It takes about 4 hours to get back to my sisters house. Our 4 hours were filled with crying, screaming, and that's about all. The. Whole. Way. Back. I had gotten a dozen roses and we set them in the backseat. Kadence started playing with them, so I asked my sister to let her have one but take the rest of the bunch away from her. This did not go over well. I finally just let her have the whole bunch and she mangled them to death, like I thought she would. We got a great picture though, and her smelling the flower for 10 seconds made 10 seconds of silence for us. That's what counts.
Ouch! Poor little girl! The picture is precious - she is adorable!