Thursday, December 14, 2006

Still have the cold! I'm about ready to drop kick my own ass and get this thing out of me. It just keeps getting worse and worse. It's not horrible but bad enough that I wouldn't have gone to school if I was in school. I'm going to NYC this weekend to look at lights and shit and I really hope I'm better by then. I also just got then news that one of the pregnant preschool teachers lost her baby and had to have a hysterectomy. That fucking sucks! It was her second child, a girl, and she was so excited! Every day she would come out and talk about the baby and you could tell she was happy. I feel so bad for her. Words can't describe how shitty that situation is. My thoughts go out to her family.

I'm off to lay on the couch. Hopefully two hours of doing nothing will magically cure my cold.

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