Monday, February 13, 2012

So now that I've finished watching all of the 44 episodes of Glee that Netflix has to offer, I'm rather bored.  It was a nice distraction over homework and I'm going through withdrawals.  I can't start watching the newest season because on-demand only has the last few episodes and I don't want to watch them out of order (first world problems).

I've been doing okay school wise.  Macroeconomics and College Algebra seem much more manageable to me than Accounting.  I have my moments of freak outs but I'm learning to YouTube my problems and the results are amazing!  My Algebra professor literally posted one page since the semester started so we are left to our own devices.  Must be nice to not have to answer any questions yet still get paid.

This weekend I had the pleasure of going to babysit two little munchkins who I haven't seen in over a year. I had M in my infants class when I worked at a daycare and now she's 5 years old.  Holy shit.  I remember walking around the center with her because she just cried and cried and cried.  Now she's telling me I'm going to have a baby soon but I need a ring on my finger first, oh, and she doesn't believe in God.  I kept my mouth shut. This family is pretty much the complete opposite of myself.  They look like the stepped out of a pottery barn catalog, and not.  I love that they choose me, the tattooed girl, to babysit their children.  Gives me hope for society. We made chocolate valentines day suckers and stuff and played with Fenway the dog, who I kept calling a boy but is most definitely a girl, sorry Fen.

This week is work work work and school. This Friday we have a scheduled girls night to go to the Chinese food bar place where they do karaoke.  Depending on how many drinks I have will depend on how many songs I sing, but, it will be good. For now, here's a song that I've been playing over and over again, and yes I found it from the commercial which makes me a horrible human being because I didn't know about it before then.  (You'll want to listen, it will make your Monday more happy)


  1. If it makes you feel any better this season of Glee is kinda "blah" but for Santana having a bigger part.
    To make you frustrated I'll tell you they cover the song "We Are Young" on the show. Love, love, loooove the song. What commercial did you hear it on? I'm assuming a car one.

  2. I don't mind Santana, I really like Quinn for some reason...maybe because I want to be her.

    When I was googling for the song I saw that Glee covered it, and yes, I found it from the commercial. I've heard of Fun before but never really listened to them but I love that song!
