Monday, January 16, 2012

If you follow me on Twitter, you might have noticed that I was attempting a DIY project. Over the course of the past few months I kept seeing these rugs where you paint them yourself.  After researching the cost of rugs and gasping out loud ($300+), I decided to go for it.

Matt and I ventured to IKEA where we bought what I thought was a $40 rug but it was actually a $60 rug. It was the bigger version which I'm actually glad we went with because we'd have a bath-mat if I went with the $40 one.  We picked up paint and supplies for around $25, so $85 total.  That's pretty good.

If it wasn't for Matt, this project probably wouldn't have been finished.  I sat at the kitchen table Saturday night trying to figure out exactly how to tape this rug up.  I'm okay with math but my head was spinning.  We laid the rug out and after arguing for 15 minutes, I took up residence on the couch and let him do it.  If you ever need a relationship tester or want to fight with your significant other, do a DIY project.  Or try to put together a piece of furniture from IKEA.  One of you will end up leaving.

First step was the taping, this was probably the worst part and it took a few hours.  I Matt used the green painters tape because it's apparently better than the blue tape.  It did come up very easily.  I choose the very popular chevron pattern that is in right now.


I used regular latex paint with an eggshell base.  It is a little stiff but I'm interested to see how it will hold up over the next few months. Then I started painting.  I did two coats, and it took about 3 hours.  My ass is sore (in case you wanted to know).  Emma was also at daycare during all of this shiz because there is no way I was going to do this with a wild dog around.


I let it dry for about 5 hours before we positioned it under the couch.  We had to go pick up the beast (Emma) 


I was a little nervous to peel the tape up but I think it turned out great!  


I was going to get the living room "photo ready" but Emma is zonked out from daycare so I didn't have the heart to kick her off the couch. 


That's it!

Today's plan was to make the curtain for the windows in these pictures that are naked but my iron (aka hair straightener) has decided it doesn't want to turn on so chaos is happening in my apartment. 

Sorry for the crappy pictures, the light in my apartment sucks and differs greatly throughout the day.  

1 comment:

  1. GIRL! Great job! It looks amazing.
    Also, I love that Emma is in the picture!
