Monday, May 30, 2011

What a fun and busy weekend this has been.  Makes me remember why I love warm weather and Summer.  Friday night after work, Matt, Adrian and I met up with my friends Kate and Michael and their dog Josie.  We went to the park which is right by the water overlooking Boston.  It was so nice out.  We let the dogs play and Emma got to swim for the first time!

She was a little hesitant and stood like this in the water for awhile but after seeing Josie swim around she started moving her little paws.  It was all over after that.  She ran and swam and played for a few hours and loved it. 

We went over to Kate's house for dinner and I had mentioned to Adrian previously that they had a Wii.  He was jumping out of skin and as soon as we walked in the door he was hooked.  We don't own any video game system so he is obviously a very deprived 5 year old boy ;).  We ate yummy Mexican food, relaxed and had some laughs. 

Saturday, I went to a wedding of one of my old co-workers.  It was up in Gloucester, such an amazing location.  I didn't take any pictures because I didn't want to haul my camera around but overlooking the cliffs to the ocean was quite the site. 

Saturday morning I woke up to donuts and this:

I must complain rather loudly because my cute boyfriend brought it home for me.  Ever since going vegan, the only thing I really missed are iced coffee from DD. I could have them often but bringing my own milk just seems like too much work, hah.  I soaked it all up though.  After dropping Adrian off with his Mom I went and had a picnic at the lake with my friend Brit and her baby Logan.  He doesn't look like a baby anymore, he looks like he's ready for Kindergarten.  He's gotten SO big!  It was fun catching up, I don't get to see her often enough. 

While I was out Matt painted the living room so to keep Emma away from destroying everything we took her back to the ocean with Josie, we all layed on the grass and chatted and enjoyed a few hours out in the sun.

Today I think my friend and I are going to get lunch, pedicures, and see the movie Bridesmaids.  I work tomorrow and then we are off to Puerto Rico for vacation.  Crazy Crazy. 

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