Saturday, December 11, 2010

Phew, those last few posts were fun! East coast is bringing out the fiestyness and Im so tired of just being expected to jusy take it. So im not. And my sailor mouth comes out, oopsies. Last year I made a list of goals I wanted to set out for this past year. I can't believe 2010 is already over. ::sigh::

Last years list included:
-Get my paralegal certificate...DONE!
-Land a paying job in the paralegal field...DONE!
-Learn to knit...Not done. BUT, my friend Kate said she knows how to knit so I think during these gross winter months we will have to have some knitting dates. Especially since she lives about 10 minutes away now.
-Take another vacation...Well, if Las Vegas and New York City count, then DONE! Going to have to tweak that one for this year.

And this years list:
-Land a job closer to/in Boston
-Get out of debt...I don't really have a lot but Matt and I bought a TV, enough said
-Learn to knit
-Take more pictures...I've been seriously slacking lately and with that comes
-Scrapbook more...I'm going to set a goal of at least 2 pages a month
-Travel outside the United States...I have such the travel bug right now, it's bad. Next year I'm going to save up all of my school money and surprise Matt with a trip somewhere. I get e-mails weekly about these insane deals and one of those weeks I'm just going to pick one. Ideally it would be Ireland but we will see.

I think that's a good list for this year.

Since the travel bug has hit I have also been dreaming of my home state of Montana. I watched a show on tv this morning about the Last American Cowboy which is filmed there. The scenery makes me want to go back incredibly bad. I was so lucky to grow up there and have this as my backyard.

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