What a week. Last Saturday was my date and suffice to say it was amazing. The boy is amazing, we click, laugh, and I can't wait to see where it goes. We've hung out a few more times and will spend tomorrow together.
Delaware was fun, I always wish I could stay longer. Micah is getting cuter and cuter and I loved playing with him. That age is so fun. Of course it was nice to see Erika too ;).
Today I am meeting up with Nicole, Nikki and little Lucas. We are going shopping, I am getting tattooed, Nikki is babysitting with me and then hopefully the three of us are going to the club. I hope it happens!
And on Sunday my Mom comes....I'm so excited!
yay for moms! i'm trying to get mine to come visit. looking forward to hearing all about your time w/ your mom!