Friday, September 24, 2010

My amazing friend had a baby this week. It's a time of happiness but also one that is filled with concern and worry. Sweet baby Hannah has some medical issues that need to be addressed. My friend asked if I would be a part of Hannah's arrival day and of course I wanted to be. She trusted me enough to be there through this difficult period and I was honored. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make the trip down south for it. I have been kicking myself for it but it just wasn't possible. Hopefully I'll be able to come down soon to take some pictures of her squishyness but for now they are in my thoughts.

I have to say, working a full time job makes time go by so much faster. I can't believe it's almost October, I feel like I say that everytime I blog. Time just needs to stop for a bit and let me get caught up.

Matt and I have a nice weekend planned. We are attending a tattoo artists wedding tomorrow which should be fun and entertaining. After that is Louis C.K., we both need to laugh a bit. Sunday is a whole day off for me. This is the first Sunday is who knows how long that I'll be able to actually do nothing. Of course I won't, I have homework and housework to do but still...doing nothing will probably happen at some point and I'm going to cherish every minute of it.

1 comment:

  1. love you heather. thank you... i'm getting caught up on your blog posts now during these recovery days. sweet hannah will be in the CICU for several weeks, more than a month. might be a long road. we welcome you anytime. hannah's beautiful. i cherish the minute i got to hold her right after the delivery when she wasn't hooked up to anything. sweetness.

    glad to hear you & matt are doing well. settling in, etc. hope you get some downtime though - sounds like you are crazy busy!
