Holy hell...
I definitely was not into blogging this summer. I had freedom for the first time in a few years and jumped at the chance to do anything and everything. I went out on dates, went camping with my girlfriends, flew to Vegas for a friends wedding, drank too much, dyed my hair blonde/grey, didn't dance enough, floated down rivers and enjoyed the hell out of every minute. It may have been one of the best summers yet.
Now fall is arriving, I'm starting the last two classes for my degree and I thought maybe I would write a bit. I'm alone in my bed with pumpkin beer, which could be a bad combination, or the best. Things are going so so so well in my life. These past few months have really shown me what incredible friends I have and how thankful I am for them. There's also a certain boy is making me smile. I'm excited to see what's next.